I know it’s Sunday , but I’m always working for YOU!!
I am so excited about the new bags from Handbags for Healing! Each and every one is wonderful. I Especially liked the use of recycled needlepoint pieces! There are many repurposed items used to make these bags.
These bags are smaller than the ones I brought in for the fall retreat. They will go fast so don’t delay in getting in here to pick out one for yourself or a friend. The sale of these bags also benefits some local charities and they are made in Tipton , Indiana!
Started the log cabin group yesterday. What fun! Here are the 2 new colors of liberty wool for April.
Here are the 2 new patterns you get for free with yarn purchase!
I like them both!!
Retreat next weekend- if you want lasagna, bread, and salad Saturday night-I NEED TO KNOW MONDAY!
Enjoy your Sunday. I am off to Muncie for a volleyball tournament ! Lots of knitting time!