For all you MAKS fans out there, we’re running a SUPERBOWL Special. What do you have to do? What coupon code do you use? Guess what…you don’t have to do a thing but purchase yarn on Friday, February 11th through Sunday, February 13th. And here’s how it works:
If you purchase regular-priced yarn this weekend, we’ll check the pretax total and include a free grab bag based on your total spent.
Spend $100 and get a free $10 Grab Bag (worth $30-$40)
Spend $200 and get a free $20 Grab Bag (worth $50-$70)
Spend $300 and get a free $30 Grab Bag (worth $70-$100)
No coupon codes, no hassle. You buy, we give. Because we love our MAKS fans.
Just a bit of housekeeping: We’ve activated the reviews on the site so you can see what other MAKS fans have purchased and what they thought. And now, you can post pictures on reviews, so if you have a shot of your finished product, please post it along with your review so we can see what you’ve created with our yarns!
We’re working on a few other surprises so you’ll be getting a few emails this weekend explaining what we’re up to.
Stay Safe and Knit On!
MAKS Housekeeping – Before The Storm
Please, Please, Please! If there are current weather conditions, you can always check the notifications on the blog or call the store to check to see if we are open. With this week’s storm headed in we want to make sure everyone is safe.
Wednesday, February 2nd – Beginning Knitting Class – Cancelled
Thursday, February 3rd – Shop Hours – TBD Call before heading out!
Malabrigo KAL
Weather permitting we will meet at the shop, on February 5th at 10 a.m. to start off the KAL. The next KAL meeting will be on February 26th also at 10:00 a.m.. We have several kits in the online shop if you haven’t purchased your yarn yet. We set up just a few and will set up more when these sell out. You are always welcome to choose your own colors for the project if you wish. You’ll need 2 main color and 1 of each of the secondary colors. Also, please be sure to sign up on the Malabrigo site for the KAL. I’ve dropped the original post link below with the signup @Malabrigo.
Remember, “weather” or not, the online store is always there for you, without ever having to shovel or even get out of your slippers!
Stay Safe Knit Friends!