Calling All Knitters! What Are You Up To This Weekend?
Hello Knitter Friends,
It’s almost the weekend, and we’ve got a great event just for you. This Saturday, October 9th, marks the return of Wabash Woollen Works to MAKS. Come join us for our second trunk show featuring a TON of woolen goodness. Susan snapped a few shots of some of the goodies available this weekend.
The Trunk Show will be from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and we CAN’T wait.
Come get your wool on and join us this Saturday!
Please note, we are still currently masking in the store for the safety of our staff and customers.
Ready for the tease? Here are just a few of the amazing items we’ll see this weekend from Wabash Woollen Works! See You There!
Ready for a YARN BOMB?
FUN, FUN, FUN!! Are you up for some yarn bombing?? We are working with @xyzgamelabs to yarn bomb the convention center for @gen_con 2021! We will be covering the flower urns in front of the venue!
Here is what I need: strips in RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, and PURPLE. We will have bins at the shop for you to grab yarn if you don’t have any in your stash. Bright colors are best but metallics will be fun also! Crochet or knit, whatever you want. Bulkier is better.
Strips should be 4” x 3 feet. We will have a basket at the shop to drop off pieces and we will sew the strips together to wrap the planter by Sept 14, so please have your finished pieces to the shop by Sept 10. @lnepomuceno, designer of #archravels game will visit the shop to present and promote her knitting/ crochet board game.
Check out ARCH RAVELS at @xyzgames to see all the great reviews and fun aspects of the game. She will bring games for purchase and enamel pins for sale. Date to follow!!!
Any fabric in the bright colors noted will work! Get them to the shop as soon as possible, so I can start sewing the pieces together! We are applying the pride pieces on September 14th. Thanks In advance!
If you are out of town but want to participate, just mail your pieces to the shop- 862 Virginia Ave. Indianapolis, In. 46203
Message me with any questions #massaveknitshop #indyknitters #indycrochers #gamenight #indystar #wthr #gencon #gencon2021