Announcing special hours for our MAKS Summer Sale (25% all instore yarn purchases):
Thursday 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Sunday Noon to 4:00 p.m.
And online, remember, our MAKS SUMMER SALE runs from 12:01 a.m. Thursday to 11:59 p.m. Sunday!
MAKSSSUMMER21 is your online code to 30% off all online yarn purchases excluding MAKS Yarns, Advent Calendars, and Leading Men Fiber Arts.
Summer Sale 2021
Just in case you missed it in the last email…
MAKS Summer Sale starts this Thursday, June 17th through Sunday, June 20th. We are offering 25% for in-store yarn purchases and 30% for online yarn purchases. This sale excludes Advent Calendars, MAKS Yarn, and Leading Men Fiber Arts Yarn. This is a great opportunity to restock and get started for the holidays (not too soon)!
Your discount code for the website is MAKSSUMMER21.
If you haven’t made it in to the store yet to see the Leading Men Fiber Arts Trunk show, you still have time…we’ll have them here until June 19th. (Trunk show purchases are not eligible for our summer sale discount, sorry!)
And an update:
Recently, the Indianapolis City Council has voted to lift the mask mandate for Marion County. They did so with the reservation that anyone fully vaccinated should not have to wear masks and it is perfectly safe for them to do so. With that ruling, interpretation has been left to local business owners for maintaining the safety of their staff and patrons. So, our current policy is as follows:
Those who are fully vaccinated are welcome to not wear masks in our shop. We reserve the right to request proof of full vaccination. Anyone who has chosen not to vaccinate or is only partially vaccinated at the time of their visits will be requested to maintain wearing a mask while visiting our shop.
This is a temporary policy and will be updated in the future. Please don’t be offended if we ask to see your vaccination card should you enter our store without a mask. We want to ensure the health and safety of our staff and our customers.
Stay Safe and Knit On!