Don’t miss out! All yarns in the sale room are just $3.00 a ball/ skein today!
Store hours are 12-4 pm
There are still a large amount of yarns available at this great price.
There is a still large amount of the Karaoke from Southwest Trading. This self stripping yarn comes in great colors and can be felted!
The exciting reflective yarn has arrived and I have already knit up an ear flap
hat ! Love it.
Here are the available colors-
Here is what happens when light shines on it!
This yarn is great for those who run at night, walk dogs, or wait for the early morning bus! A ribbed hat version also comes with the ball of yarn.
We all know how quickly Stephanie knits, but this is ridiculous!
Check out her progress in just 2 weeks of working on the new Silken Straw Shrug!
Here is what the finished project looks like!
GORGEOUS! The shrug will be felted and that really gives it an interesting shape- the wool between each of the different color panels of silk will shrink, but the silk will not. So excited to see it when it is finished! I am making the Magician’s Scarf and will have it in the shop for a display!
I also had to show you the amazing silk top she had on!
Okay, we had a little fun with the photo!
Forgot to mention that there is a lot of the Pagewood Yarns left at 50% off!
See you at the SHOP!
We are open today from 12-4!