Remember, you have a week to get your items for the FREEDOM FIBER FESTIVAL in to the store.  Pack up your unwanted items (yarn, needles, books, fabric) in ziplock bags with your name and the dollar amount you want into the shop by friday July 1st!  The fee is $5.00, and we will sell it for you on JULY 9 FROM 10 AM-1 PM.  You can choose to have back what does not sell, or we will donate it to groups that do charity knitting!  You will have an in-store credit for everything of yours that sells!  Credits will be available one week after the festival.  All sales during the festival are for cash or check!





New toys-Glove in a bottle – large bottle- $14.95/ small bottle-$5.50.  We have a tester if you want to try it out! 


Susan Bates Handi Tool– $1.60.  This little wonder is both a double point and crochet hook!!  Everyone needs one of these in their knitting toy bag. It is also a great Stocking Stuffer!  It comes in 5-6 colors!

Prym I-Cord maker– $33.50- Have you seen all the I-Cord scarves?  This is a great time saver.  I am going to try it with sock yarn!  I will let you know how it goes (maybe I will get Kate or Alice to do it- let them earn their keep!!)

This Tues. is Classic Elite Yarns Knit A Long!  Join us!  Projects do not need to be completed until July 31st.  There is lot6s of time to start a small project and try to win the $100. gift basket from Classic Elite Yarns!

Have a great week!~  Susan