First, I am really excited (and relieved) that we have the new I-pad register!. However, with growth comes PAINS!
So WE are asking for some patience while we learn the new system. We can’t yet do returns, so just hold on to your yarn and I will let you know when we can take yarn back. I am not worrying about the 6 month limit at this point, so if you are close, don’t worry. We also need to wait on instore credits until we can figure how to process them. Hopefully, this will not cause too much of a problem. Thanks in advance for your understanding. We can now email or text reciepts also!
Don’t forget that the FIBER FESTIVAL is in just 2 weekends! Dates are June 27 and July 25Th. We have a huge amount of amazing items in this years Fiber Festival! Over 1500 bags of goodies! So bring your CHECKS OR CASH! We will not be taking charges for this sale! Fun starts at 10 am and goes until 12 noon. I will post some pictures next week- I am really excited about the items in this years sale!!
OVERNIGHTER RESCHEDULED! ORIGINALLY THE NEXT OVERNIGHTER WAS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 27, HOWEVER, WITH THE NEW COMPUTER SYSTEM WE NEED TO DO AN INVENTORY FOR THE NEW WEBSITE! We are asking for help the morning of June 28 to count the existing inventory. We will start at 9 am and work until we finish counting (no later than 5). If this sounds like fun to you, let me know! I will be offering a 20% off coupon on one purchase to all helpers. We ask that you stay at least 4 hours during that time frame. I will provide doughnuts and coffee and pizza for lunch!
There are still some seats on the but to Stitches Midwest. Call the shop to sign up! The date is August 8th. Cost until June 30th is Just $45.00. The price goes up to $55.00 on July 1 (if there are any seats left).
Have a great day, and again thanks in advance for you patience!