Mass Ave Knit Shop Tees!

I have ordered in sizes small -2x. They will be in by the retreat. I will let you know exactly when they come in. I have ordered a limited number to see how they go. I have to say the response has been very positive so far. If you want to reserve yours, just stop by the shop. Cost is just $18 per shirt. I am sure I will be putting in a second order if ( when) we run out.

OVERNIGHTER TOMORROW NIGHT!! Starts at 7:30. Bring $20 and a small snack to share.

In Store Retreat is just a few weeks away! Are you signed up? Call the shop to get a spot!
-we have “Handbags for Healing bags coming in for the retreat!
-Jennifer from Burr Oak Studios- needle jewelry will be selling her goods at the retreat on Saturday. You do not need to be part of the retreat to purchase her items. Just stop by the shop on Saturday the 26 of April .

Meeting tomorrow –

10 am- 12- River Run Shawl-

12 – 2 ish- mystery shawl. ( I must confess I am a few weeks behind !). But have no fear- I have the next MKAL picked out. A couple of weeks ago someone was in the shop ( I’m sorry I can’t remember who it was) and they had come across someone working on a MKAL that gives 2 options for each of the 5 clues. I am totally stoked because I have located the pattern. I am thinking that we will start the 2 nd or 3 week of May. Can’t wait. I will send more info later – I don’t even know what yarn it uses!!

Do you have needles laying around? Our very own Sharon Cochran is teaching knitting at the Riley Ronald MacDonald house and is in need of needles for her students. These are a gift for them to take home once their child leaves the hospital. There is a basket on the table where you can leave the needles and we will pass them on the Sharon. Thanks in advance.

Bus To Stitches Midwest-
Even though we ( the shop) will not be going as vendors to stitches, we will still have a bus going- we just haven’t set it up yet. Keep watching the blog for sign up info.

Have a great weekend!