Okay, so we are suppose to meet Sat. to apply the shells to the Stephen West shawl, but I am no where near ready for that. So I am rescheduling for May 11 at 10 am. If you are ready for the shells come on in and I can help you to get that started.

May 4 10 am-? Mass Ave Tit-a-Long! We are knitting prosthesis for women who have had a Breast removed, but can not afford a prosthesis. The pattern is available at Knitty.com. Join us. We will be donating out boobs to Wishard Cancer center. They are asking for C and D cup sizes! I have made some small changes to the pattern. You can stop in or call for those.

Also, our other service project is coming along slowly! We are in need of 6×6″ squares and 4″x4′ pieces for our “Trusted Mentors House”. Here are a few items donated so far.



Check out the flowers and bird! The blue bug box will serve as our mailbox!

The overnighter this Saturday is for knitting “knit bomb” items for our house! This will be a NO CHARGE overnighter! I will still provide pizza and drinks! I will also provide yarn for the knit bombing! Bring your own needles ( sizes 10-15). Join us for this great evening of fun and help us help our community!

Next LOG CABIN AFGHAN knit along meets May 11 at 10 am. If the new colors for May come in sooner I will let you know! I am having such a ball knitting this afghan!

Have you been getting your stuff ready for the 3rd annual Fiber Festival? We will start taking in items on June 3. We are working it the same as in the past.
Items MUST be in a ziplock bag with 2 -3×5 index cards. The 1st card should have your name, phone number, and price you want for what is in the bag. The 2 nd card has only the price. We will remove the card with your name. On the 2nd card will give you a number and a letter for each bag.
Your sales become a in store credit at Mass Ave!
NEW THIS YEAR- we will have 2 Fiber Festival shopping days! Last year I realize that 1 sale day was not enough for all the great stuff we had at the festival!
Sale Dates – July 13 and 20. Sale times are 10 am-12 noon on both days! We can not extend hours so please mark your calendars now!
Call the shop if you have any questions.

See you sat night! If you have pieces for the “house”. You can drop them by anytime.
Thank, Susan