Prize for the first 16 yarn crawl customers. Just purchase yarn at Mass Ave Knit shop and receive this silk needle case from Mango Moon! 

Also, make sure you get your Mass Ave Knit Shop yarn crawl 2015 button!

Now back in stock!  MAKS favorite yarn bras from BUFFY ANN! 

When you buy something at MAKS during the yarn crawl you will be entered into a drawing for one of three awesome gift baskets ! 

Remember to turn in your back page of your passport when you finish “CRAWLING”  to get into the grand prize drawings.  There are 3 levels. 

1. Visit 9 shops

2. Visit 11 shops

3. Visit 15 shops

On your last page mark what is your “home shop”. That is where you would like to pick up your prizes when you win!!