



Wow!  What a great day we had!  We were busy all day and well received!!  Here are some pics of the booth!!
The crankers are a hit!  If you don’t know what I am talking about, you need to stop by our booth (417-419) and check it out! 
Malabrigo and Madeline Tosh were some of our big sellers!  Check out the new yarn – Dolce Vita.  It came in just before we left on Wednesday.  It is a loopy yarn that you finger crochet!  We call the scarf “the 42 block scarf ” because that is how long it took Beth to crochet it!
Have a great weekend. Bus riders  -we will see you around 10 tomorrow!!
P.S. the dred bag is the new version knit with malabrigo and stella for a little bling!   I knit it for “Bags to Riches “fundraiser.  I new it would be really cute or really bad.  I think it is really cute!